Your care is important to us. Our focus on person and patient centred care means we aim to care for you and your family in the same manner we would expect our loved ones to be treated.

Items to bring

Bring along your medication. You can also bring vitamins, herbal supplements, or prescriptions from your doctor.

You should also bring things like:

  • your Medicare Card, Pensioner Card, Health Care Card or Department of Veterans' Affairs card
  • comfortable clothes
  • your x-rays, if you have any
  • anything else that might help you or our staff during your stay.

Don't bring

Please don't bring:

  • large amounts of money or several credit cards
  • jewellery or other valuables
  • alcohol or drugs.

Find out more about the things you need to do before going to hospital on the Queensland Government website.

Going into hospital

When you go through a hospital's process to get treatment or care, it's called getting admitted.

If it’s an emergency, go to the emergency department and see the nurses at reception. Find out more about what to expect at our emergency departments.

If you're in labour, go to the birth suite (if there is one).

If you're checking into hospital for another reason and aren’t sure where to go, head to the main reception and ask.

When you're admitted, you'll get an identification (ID) band to put on your wrist or ankle. This band helps us make sure you get the right medication, treatments and procedures. Make sure your details are correct. Wear it until you leave hospital.

Find out more about hospital admission on the Queensland Government website.

Your stay

Personal belongings

There's a bedside locker next to your bed for your personal items. We recommend you don't bring any valuables with you to hospital.

We're not responsible for any lost or damaged items that belong to you, your family or any visitors.


We have a variety of meals that meet therapeutic, allergen and religious dietary requirements.

Dietetic assistants visit most inpatient wards daily to take menu choices. Let us know if you have a food allergy, specific dietary requirements or need to speak with a dietitian.

Meal times

We usually serve meals between the following times:

  • Breakfast: 7 am to 8 am.
  • Lunch: 11 am to 12 pm.
  • Dinner: 5 pm to 6 pm.

If you are receiving treatment or are unable to eat during these times, our staff may be able to provide other options.


Speak to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions about your medications.

When you leave hospital, we'll give you a list of your medications. Share this with your GP and other care providers.

No smoking, alcohol and drugs

You can't smoke or use alcohol or illicit drugs at any of our hospitals or health centres. You and your visitors must not bring these items.

If you smoke, ask your nurse about getting nicotine replacement therapy during your stay. Let your visitors know that they cannot smoke in and around the hospital.

Support services

We offer support services including:

If you'd like more information or you need any support, please speak to your nurse or doctor.

Wi-Fi, TV and mobile phones

Please remember, we're not responsible for any lost items if you choose to bring electrical devices with you.


There may be TVs in some common rooms and specific wards, but not beside your bed.

Free Wi-Fi

There's free Wi-Fi for patients, families and visitors available at most of our facilities. This is to help patients stay connected with family and friends.

However, due to network capacity, streaming websites for movies, radio, TV and other on-demand content (such as Netflix) may not work.

Ask your nurse for the network name and password.

Using your mobile phone

You can use your mobile phone in most parts of the hospital, including your room.

We also encourage you to always be mindful of others when taking calls in shared areas.