Patients going to hospital

The information below will answer any questions you have about going to hospital. We'll help to make your hospital stay as safe and comfortable as we can.

Visit someone in hospital

Check the visiting hours and what to do. The visiting hours depend on the hospital and ward.

Find out more about visiting someone in hospital and any restrictions that may apply.

Get help with travel costs

Patients required to be referred elsewhere for treatment may be eligible to access Patient Travel Subsidy support, where applicable.

Go to the Queensland Government web page about the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme.

Raise concerns about a patient's health (Ryan's Rule)

Ryan's Rule is a 3-step escalation process to support patients of any age, their families and carers. It's used to raise concerns if a patient's health condition is getting worse or not improving as well as expected.

Go to the Clinical Excellence Queensland web page Ryan's Rule escalation process.