Our referral requirements

Our requirements are in line with Queensland's Clinical Prioritisation Criteria (CPC).

The CPC are clinical decision support tools. They help ensure that referrals to public specialist outpatient services are triaged according to how urgent each case is.

Find out more about the Clinical Prioritisation Criteria on the Queensland Health website.

Western Queensland HealthPathways

The Western Queensland HealthPathways is a hospital referral guideline that includes the clinical prioritisation criteria. The pathways provide clinical assessment, management and referral advice for GPs and health professionals.

If you’re a health professional and you’d like to access to the Western Queensland HealthPathways, contact the coordinator by registering on the HealthPathways website.

Making referrals

GPs can send referrals using Smart Referrals or by fax. We prefer you to send referrals using Smart Referrals.

Learn more and get further resources about Smart Referrals on the Queensland Health website.