Budding chefs from Charleville, Cunnamulla and Quilpie took part in the first rollout of the Jamie’s Ministry of Food cooking program held at the end of June.
South West HHS Dietitian, Laura Bate, and Community Program Officer from HOPE, Jenny Peacock, were thrilled to be able to get the ball rolling with the first programs being held in these communities.
Partnering with Rapid Employment Services Queensland (RESQ), participants of all ages attended the first of the five hands-on sessions in the three communities.
Jenny said the first session introduced participants to cooking techniques required to cook boiled, poached, scrambled eggs and an omelette.
“The aim of Jamie’s Ministry of Food is to teach practical cooking skills that will inspire, educate and empower individuals, families and communities to cook healthy, balanced meals from scratch at home,” she said.
“Nutrition is at the heart of the program, along with important advice on health and safety and kitchen rules.
“Learning how to cook from scratch is so important and it is crucial that we all have an understanding of where our food comes from, how to cook and how it affects our bodies in order that we can not only live healthier, happier lives ourselves, but can teach others to do so too.”
Laura said food education and cooking skills were crucial to maintaining healthy communities.
“The recipes are formulated with kitchen skills, nutrition and budget in mind to help cater for all ages taking part in the program,” she said.
For one of the budding chefs, Locky Freiberg, he is very confident now he knows exactly what he wants to do in life saying “I’m going to be a chef now!”
With another budding chef, Jai Casey saying he was now ready to treat his own family, “I’m going to cook omelettes for everyone at home” - the program is already proving a hit!