The scheme includes information about who we are and how we work.

About us

The following explains who we are and what we do:

Our services

Our hospital and health service includes facilities and services that help our communities.

Our finances

Our financial information is available in our annual reports and in our Budget Papers on the Queensland Government website.

Our priorities

Our Strategic Plan provides our vision and priorities to ensure we continue to grow and meet changing health needs.

Our decisions

Our Board makes decisions for our hospital and health service. You can read the board summaries to find out more about these decisions.

Our policies and procedures

You can find out more about our policies and procedures on the Queensland Health website. We align with the Queensland Health service directives and guidelines.

We also align with the following items of legislation found on the Queensland Legislation website:

Our lists and registers

Our disclosure log outlines requests that people have made using the right to information process.

Our gifts and benefits register lists donations over $150 made to us.

Contact us

You can also contact us if you require further information.

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